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pacmaan atarisoft original disk has the wrong disk

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pacmaan atarisoft original disk has the wrong disk

Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:31 am

The thunder mountain disk is there but the other disk has mancopter instead of pacman. Who's is running the gamebase? I keep finding things wrong.
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:04 pm

Agreed, the directory does say mancopter.
but if you load the disk, you will be playing Pacman.

Pacman was probably a freebie that came on Side B of the Mancopter Disk.
Or it is part of a DataSoft compilation.

And just so you know...
Excellent people are running this GameBase. :wink:
Pete Rittwage
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Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:55 am

There are several Datasoft games that have the disk formatted as "Mancopter".

My theory is that it was because the copy protection was reused and the data just changed.
Pete Rittwage
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Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:42 am

both winvice and ccs won't load it They crash with main cpu jam.
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Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:00 am

I saw the same error in WinVICE with True Drive Emulation off. With it on (generally needed on an original) both original disk versions (Datasoft & Thunder Mountain) loaded fine for me.
I have a lot of respect for Gamebase creators, maintainers & supporters.
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Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:01 am

bradhig wrote:both winvice and ccs won't load it They crash with main cpu jam.
That cpu jam happens when you load with the filename.
load "mancopter",8,1
that is the way gamebase and script attaches it to the emulator.

turn true drive emulation on, and load with...

this problem happens with quite a few G64 files.
the script has been updated to fix it.

in this script all images without a file set on the disk will be loaded with "*",8,1
you can also enter LOAD=WILDCARD in the GEMUS for all other protected directory disks, where a boot file cannot be set.

Code: Select all

;* WinVICE GEMUS Script *
;*   (c) The GB64 Team  *
;*    13 October 2012   *
; Emulator File: X64.EXE
; Associated Script File (1): vice.ini
; Use Short Filenames: YES
; File Types: D64;T64;G64;G41;TAP;CRT;P00;PRG;LNX
; (Compressed File Types: GZ;Z;BZ2;ZIP;TAR;TZG;ZOO)
; This script was written for WinVICE C64 v2.3,
; but may work with other Windows C64 versions too.
; Emulator Websites: (2.3.00 - 23rd Feb 2011)
; http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/
; Beta Versions and Development Releases (2.3.23 - 22nd Sept 2012)
; http://sourceforge.net/projects/vice-emu/files/
; SPS Mod - Enhanced G64 Support. (2.3.20 - 29th Sept 2012)
; http://www.kryoflux.com/
; Dink Mod - Programable Gamepad Buttons (v9 - 2.3.23 - 22nd Sept 2012)
; http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=42474
; If you have a disk game that comes on multiple disks
; and works with multiple drives, you can set a
; GEMUS key=value pair to auto insert all the disks into
; VICE's drives.  Simply press F2 (in the main GB window)
; and enter: maxdrives=x
; where x is either 2, 3 or 4
; If VICE requires True Drive Emulation, but CCS64 does not,
; use the key=value pair: vtde=yes
; If VICE does not require True Drive Emulation, but CCS64 does,
; use the key=value pair: vtde=no
; To enable the REU (RAM Expansion Unit),
; use the key=value pair: reu=x
; where x is 128,256,512,1024,2048,4086,8192 or 16384

; Command-line options used during initialization.
; -default
;    This will override all the settings specified before, but not the settings specified afterwards on the command line. 
; -keybuf <string>
;    Put the specified string into the keyboard buffer. 
; -autostart IMAGE
;    Autostart `IMAGE'
; -autoload <name>
;    Attach and autoload tape/disk image <name> 
; -basicload
;    On autostart, load to BASIC start (without ',1') 
; +basicload
;    On autostart, load with ',1' 
; -autostartwithcolon
;    On autostart, use the 'RUN' command with a colon, i.e., 'RUN:' 
; +autostartwithcolon
;    On autostart, do not use the 'RUN' command with a colon; i.e., 'RUN' 
; -autostart-handle-tde
; +autostart-handle-tde
;    Handle/Do not handle True Drive Emulation on autostart 
; +autostart-warp
;    Enable/Disable warp mode during autostart 
; -autostartprgmode
;    Set autostart mode for PRG files 
; -autostartprgdiskimage
;    Set disk image for autostart of PRG files 
; -1 NAME
;    Attach `NAME' as a tape image file. 
; -8 NAME
; -9 NAME
; -10 NAME
; -11 NAME
;    Attach `NAME' as a disk image to device 8, 9, 10 or 11. 
; -attach8ro
; -attach9ro
; -attach10ro
; -attach11ro
;    Attach disk image for drive #8-11 read only 
; -attach8rw
; -attach9rw
; -attach10rw
; -attach11rw
;    Attach disk image for drive #8-11 read write (if possible) 

;Autostarting programs from the command-line.
; x64 lovelygame.x64.gz
; will start the C64 emulator, attaching `lovelygame.x64.gz' as a disk image and running the first program on it. You can also specify the name of the program on the fisk image by appending a colon (`:') the name itself to the argument; for example
; x64 "lovelygame.x64.gz:run me"
; will run the program named `run me' on `lovelygame.x64.gz' instead of the first one.
; Using the command-line option -autostart is equivalent; so the same result can be obtained with
; x64 -autostart "lovelygame.x64.gz:run me"

If GameType CONTAINS(d64||t64||g64||g41||tap||crt||p00||prg||lnx)

   ;option to start in fullscreen mode
   If Key_fullscreen CONTAINS(yes||1||on||true)
   ElseIf Key_fullscreen CONTAINS(no||0||off|false)
   End If

   ;option to set the window size
   If Key_windowsize CONTAINS(1)
   ElseIf Key_windowsize CONTAINS(2||3)
   End If

   ;option to enable/disable emulation of a CRT monitor
   If Key_crtemu CONTAINS(yes||1||on||true)
   ElseIf Key_crtemu CONTAINS(no||0||off||false)
   End If

   ;option to enable/disable sound output
   If Key_sound CONTAINS(yes||1||on||true)
   ElseIf Key_sound CONTAINS(no||0||off|false)
   End If

   ;option to turn on/off Warp Mode (speed increase) at startup

   ;option to start in fullscreen mode (no border=640x400, border=600x800 or larger)

   ;VICII settings for Color Enhancer v0.8 (but may work with other versions too)
   ;website: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ck/C64/filter/C64Filter.html
   ;the Color Enhancer Filter replaces the default Scale2x filter
   ;with a 32-bit color depth smoothing/dithering filter algorithm.

   ;set paths to file location for possible image swaps

   ;set to extend tracks on access

   ;autostart or 'manual load' the game image
   If GameType CONTAINS(crt)
      ;autostart the cart image
      Add_CLP( -cartcrt %gamepathfile%)
      ;insert multiple disks into drives 9, 10 and 11?
      If GameType CONTAINS(d64||g64||g41)
         If Key_maxdrives CONTAINS(2||3||4)
            If NumGameFiles > 1
               Add_CLP2( -9 "%gamepathfile(1)%")
            End If
         End If
         If Key_maxdrives CONTAINS(3||4)
            If NumGameFiles > 2
               Add_CLP2( -10 "%gamepathfile(2)%")
            End If
         End If
         If Key_maxdrives CONTAINS(4)
            If NumGameFiles > 3
               Add_CLP2( -11 "%gamepathfile(3)%")
            End If
         End If
      ; -autorun    autoloads prg file, but you will need to type RUN [return] manually.
      ; -autostart  autoloads and runs the file.
	If ImageName CONTAINS (*)
	;Default setting. Boot disk with ImageName
	Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%:%c64imagename%")

; ***** Boot all other disks with a wildcard, if no internal file can be set on the image (G64) *****
	Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%")
; ***************************************************************************************************	
	End If

		If Key_load CONTAINS(wildcard)
		; Auto boot disk with LOAD"*",8,1
		Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%")

		ElseIf Key_load CONTAINS(basic)
		; Auto boot Disk with LOAD"*",8
		Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%" -basicload)

		ElseIf key_load CONTAINS(manual)
		Show_Message(You must load the game on the disk manually. LOAD"$",8 and type LIST for directory)
		; Just attach disk in default drive 8 and run emulator. Disable auto loading.
		Add_CLP2( -8 "%gamepathfile%")
		End If
         End If
End If   
If GameType CONTAINS(t64||tap)
;No commandline options for loading tapes with ,1,1. Only BASIC load available.

 	If ImageName CONTAINS (*)
   	; Load the TAPE Image (T64) with Filename stored in GameBase.
   	Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%:%c64imagename%")
	End If
	If key_load CONTAINS(manual)
	 Show_Message(You must load the TAPE manually. Example Load"",1,1)
	 ; Attach Tape Image in default Cassette Deck (1) and run emulator. Disable auto loading.
	 Add_CLP2( -1 "%gamepathfile%")
	 ; Load the first file on the Tape image.
	 ;Default Attach TAPE and load
	 Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%")
	End If
End If

;use keyboard buffer to send keys to emulator. (all UPPERCASE) example keybuf=SYS64738
;You can't use "quotes" {return} or {F-Keys}.
;*see sendkeys at bottom of script.

	If Key_keybuf CONTAINS(*)
	Add_CLP2( -keybuf %keybuf_value%)
	End If

   ;do we want a PAL or NTSC setup?
   If PalNTSC = NTSC
      Add_CLP( -ntsc)
      Add_CLP( -pal)
   End If

   ;true drive emulation (vtde=yes is for VICE only, not CCS64)
   ;set GEMUS key "vtde" to overrule database TrueDriveEmu settings
   If Key_vtde CONTAINS(yes||on||true||1)
      Add_CLP( -truedrive)
   ElseIf Key_vtde CONTAINS(no||no*||off|false||0)
      Add_CLP( +truedrive)
   ElseIf TrueDriveEmu = YES
      Add_CLP( -truedrive)
      Add_CLP( +truedrive)
   End If

   ;set the game controls
   ;These settings are designed to automatically set the controls for player 1
   ;to the same controller, regardless of which PORT the game uses for player 1.
   ;0=None, 1=Numpad + RCtrl, 2=Keset A, 3=Keyset B, 4+ are for real joysticks/pads
   ;Use k=v pair REALJOYSTICK1 and REALJOYSTICK2 to activate a USB game controller
   ;for player 1 and player 2
   If Key_joystickautoconfig CONTAINS(no||0||off||false)
      If Control = JoyPort2
         If Key_realjoystick1 CONTAINS(yes||1||on||true)
            Add_CLP( -joydev2 4)
            Add_CLP( -joydev2 3)
         End If
         If NumPlayers > 1
            If Key_realjoystick2 CONTAINS(yes||1||on||true)
               Add_CLP( -joydev1 5)
               Add_CLP( -joydev1 2)
            End If
            Add_CLP( -joydev1 0)
         End If
      ElseIf Control = JoyPort1
         If Key_realjoystick1 CONTAINS(yes||1||on||true)
            Add_CLP( -joydev1 4)
            Add_CLP( -joydev1 3)
         End If
         If NumPlayers > 1
            If Key_realjoystick2 CONTAINS(yes||1||on||true)
               Add_CLP( -joydev2 5)
               Add_CLP( -joydev2 2)
            End If
            Add_CLP( -joydev2 0)
         End If
      ElseIf Control = Mouse
         ;1351 Mouse emulation (the Port cannot be changed or determined via the GUI)
         Add_CLP( -joydev1 0)
         Add_CLP( -joydev2 0)
      ElseIf Control = PaddlePort1
         ;Mouse PORT1 setting may give partial PaddlePort1 control
         Add_CLP( -joydev1 0)
         Add_CLP( -joydev2 0)
      ElseIf Control = PaddlePort2
         ;Mouse PORT2 setting may give partial PaddlePort2 control
         Add_CLP( -joydev1 0)
         Add_CLP( -joydev2 0)
         ;Disable Joysticks and Mouse
         Add_CLP( -joydev1 0)
         Add_CLP( -joydev2 0)
      End If
   End If

   ;REU (Ram Expansion Unit) = 128,256,512,1024,2048,4086,8192 or 16384 kB
   If Key_reu CONTAINS(*)
      ;enable REU and set to reu value
      If Key_reu CONTAINS(128||256||512||1024||2048||4096||8192||16384)
      ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(no||no*||off||false||0)
         ;disable REU if set to off
         ;set to 512 kB for all other REU values (on, yes, 500, etc.)
      End If
      ;disable REU
   End If

   ;unsupported game controls
   If Control = LightPen
      Show_Message(This emulator does not have LightPen emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
   ElseIf Control = KoalaPad
      Show_Message(This emulator does not have KoalaPad emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
   ElseIf Control = LightGun
      Show_Message(This emulator does not have LightGun emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
   ElseIf Control = PaddlePort1
      Show_Message(This emulator does not have Paddle emulation.%crlfx2%Mouse Port1 setting may allow partial control via the mouse.%crlfx2%This game may still be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
   ElseIf Control = PaddlePort2
      Show_Message(This emulator does not have Paddle emulation.%crlfx2%Mouse Port2 setting may allow partial control via the mouse.%crlfx2%This game may still be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
   End If

   ;give the user a warning message?
   If VersionComment CONTAINS(*use C64S*||*use CCS*||*use real C64*)
      Show_Message(This game may not work properly with this emulator.%crlfx2%See Version Comment for more info.)
   End If
   If VersionComment CONTAINS(*not 100%*||*not working*||*doesn't work*)
      Show_Message(This game may not work properly.)
   End If
   If VersionComment CONTAINS(*PET Emulator*)
      Show_Message(Use LOAD"*",8 and RUN in PET Emulator start this game.)
   End If
   If VersionComment CONTAINS(*ATTN:*||*NOTE:*||*ATTN!:*||*NOTE!:*)
      ;point out that critical info is in the version comment
      Show_Message(Read this game's Version Comments for very important information/instructions.)
   End If
   If VersionComment CONTAINS(*VIC-20*||*VIC20*)
      If VersionComment CONTAINS(*emulator*)
         Show_Message(Use VIC-20 column Emulator to run this game properly.)
      End If
   End If

   ;show message for the user
   If Key_msg CONTAINS(*)
   End If

;* Send keys to emulator (use lower case in GEMUS).
;* For best results, use with Load=manual so you gain control of the keyboard disabling any auto loading.
;* Remember C64 Emulators use different keymaps from PC.
;*      ;=:  ]=*  [=@  £=#  ^=&  *=(  (=)  -=+
;* Only a few ANSI codes {C34} are available for sendkeys. Some have strange results.
;* {C31} = Put C64 in lowecase,  {C30} = Put the C64 back in uppercase
;* sendkeys={C31}[1]{C30}
;* load=manual
;* sendkeys=load"game",8,1;sys64738{enter} (*please note* semicolon used for colon.)

If key_sendkeys CONTAINS(*)
   ;run the emulator
End If


   ;invalid game file type
   Show_Message(GAME_NOT_SUPPORTED%crlfx2%Supported types: D64, T64, G64/G41, TAP, CRT, P00, PRG, LNX)

End If
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Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:13 pm

Thanks for the updated script .mad. - This is great. For NTSC users the only change I would make to it are these lines:

Instead of this:
;do we want a PAL or NTSC setup?
Add_CLP( -ntsc)
Add_CLP( -pal)
End If

You would likely want this:
;do we want a PAL or NTSC setup?
Add_CLP( -pal)
Add_CLP( -ntsc)
End If

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