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Firstly, I know this will not 'really' warrant an answer

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Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:23 pm

It might be to do with the line:

Code: Select all

echo CommandLineParams=%musicfile%
File association 'open' commands usually use '%1' to specify a file name. Eg.,

notepad.exe "%1"

%musicfile% is obviously a place holder for the music filename, but I'm not sure how it is populated by GameBase.

What I was asking originally, though, was whether a file association was present outside of GameBase - e.g. are SID files associated with the HARDSID player (or whatever) so that if you double-click the SID file it plays in the player?
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
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Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:24 pm

Ahh, I see.
I do not want to 'hard associate" files with the relevant music player, if at all possible, otherwise this is once again not a truly 'portable' envronment.... (some of the payers need no 'install eg MODPLAY)

Perhaps this is the only way, but I did not have to associate 'sid's' with 'sidplay' previously, (unless the player did that upon install).

Perhaps (?) a regfile (YUK!... & 'VISTA'??) is required.
I can post all the scripts I have done so far (to be fair, they are just edited versions of your work, so I do not want all the credit here!)
here if you want, and you can inker with them, but I would have thought you would have already done this?

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Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:10 pm

Well...through this I've never had a fully working installation with ROMs and SIDs and players and emulators and so on...so I'm just guessing mostly.

I was wondering whether the music player functionality took advantage of file associations in some way...

I can come up with the reg files if they are required....
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
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gb team??

Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:51 pm

Perhaps the GB guys can shed some light on this?

The player is just *not* getting the file... so... logically, we need to modify the script (not the gb script!) to allow this..

When I get to work tomorrow AM, I shall post all the scripts so anyone can have a tinker (and not the typo I made earlier)

Perhaps we need
echo CommandLineParams=%musicfile%1
or some version that would work??
quote="Judd"]It might be to do with the line:

Code: Select all

echo CommandLineParams=%musicfile%
File association 'open' commands usually use '%1' to specify a file name. Eg.,

notepad.exe "%1"

%musicfile% is obviously a place holder for the music filename, but I'm not sure how it is populated by GameBase.

What I was asking originally, though, was whether a file association was present outside of GameBase - e.g. are SID files associated with the HARDSID player (or whatever) so that if you double-click the SID file it plays in the player?[/quote]
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Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:51 am

Well I looked at the code and this is from the cmdSid_Click routine:

Code: Select all

'now shell the player
If Not .blnUseShortFilenames Then
    dblProcessID = Shell(.strShortPathAndFilename & " " & GetSidCommandLine(.strCommandLine, g_udtRegPathSid.strWithBackSlash & g_udtSid.strFilename, False), vbNormalFocus)
    dblProcessID = Shell(.strShortPathAndFilename & " " & GetSidCommandLine(.strCommandLine, g_udtRegPathSid.strWithBackSlash & g_udtSid.strFilename, True), vbNormalFocus)
End If
we then also have:

Code: Select all

Public Function GetSidCommandLine(strCLPTemplate_in As String, ByVal strSidFile_in As String, blnUseShort_in As Boolean) As String

    'gets the actual command line to use when shelling a sid player
    'Inputs:    strCLPTemplate_in:  The template command line
    '           strSidFile_in:      The full sid filename to replace
    '           blnUseShort_in:     whether to use short 8.3 filenames
    'Returns:   The command line parameter string to shell

    If Not blnUseShort_in Then
        If InStr(strSidFile_in, " ") > 0 Then
            'put quotes around because of spaces
            GetSidCommandLine = Replace(strCLPTemplate_in, "%musicfile%", """" & strSidFile_in & """", , , vbTextCompare)
            'no spaces - full filename
            GetSidCommandLine = Replace(strCLPTemplate_in, "%musicfile%", strSidFile_in, , , vbTextCompare)
        End If
        '8.3 filename
        GetSidCommandLine = Replace(strCLPTemplate_in, "%musicfile%", g_xobjFunc.Long2Short(strSidFile_in), , , vbTextCompare)
    End If

End Function
So it would appear that it ought to work, replacing %musicfile% with the file name and launching the requisite music player with the correct command line. Hang on and I'll see if I can find how the SID player paths are constructed / stored....
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Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:26 am

OK I grabbed a game and a SID file and SIDPlay2w and set them up, without any file association and it still works from within GB, so it isn't that.

As far as I can see, it should work as it is...I think you're right, might need a bit of input from the GB Team....
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
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Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:44 am

if you make sure you use the same paths, this will get you to where I currently am.

@echo off
:: only obtain/register the last 3 files if you do not have office installed.
echo [Games]
echo 2=
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Games
echo [Misc]
echo Music=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\C64Music
echo Photos=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Photos
echo [Pictures]
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Screenshots
echo 2=
echo [Extras]
echo 2=
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Extras
) > %~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Paths.ini
echo [Emulators]
echo 1=CCS64 v3.0b DirectX
echo 2=CCS64 v2.0b DirectX
echo 3=CCS64 v2.0b DOS
echo 4=CCS64 v2.0b DirectX HardSID
echo 5=CCS64 v2.0b DOS HardSID
echo 6=CCS64 v1.09
echo 7=WinVICE v1.16
echo 8=VICE DOS v1.16
echo 9=WinVICE C128 GO64 v1.16
echo 10=VICE C128 GO64 DOS v1.16
echo 11=ALEC64 v1.12
echo 12=C64 v0.0
echo 13=C64 Alive v0.0
echo 14=C64s v2.5D Demo
echo 15=CBM64 v2.7b
echo 16=CBM64 v2.4b English
echo 17=CBM64 v2.4b French
echo 18=Comeback64 Win32 Beta 4
echo 19=Comeback64 DOS v0.9z
echo 20=Emu64 Win9x v2.0b
echo 21=Emu64 DOS v1.00b
echo 22=Free 64 v.01
echo 23=Frodo Win32 v4.1.1
echo 24=Frodo PC Win32 v4.1.1
echo 25=Frodo SC Win32 v4.1.1
echo 26=Hoxs64 v1.0.2.6
echo 27=no$c64 v1.0 Win32
echo 28=no$c64 v1.0 DOS
echo 29=PC64Win v2.14
echo 30=PC64 DOS v1.22
echo 31=Sally C64 v0.20
echo 32=VB64 v2.1b
echo 33=Win64 v0.40b
echo [CCS64 v3.0b DirectX]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;PRG;P00;P01;G64;G41;CRT;TAP
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_3.WIN\CCS.EXE
echo ScriptFile=CCS64_v30b_DirectX.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_3.WIN\C64.CFG
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CCS64 v2.0b DirectX]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;PRG;P00;P01;G64;G41;CRT;TAP
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2.WIN\CCS.exe
echo ScriptFile=CCS64_v20b_DirectX.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2.WIN\c64.cfg
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CCS64 v2.0b DOS]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;PRG;P00;P01;G64;G41;CRT;TAP
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2.DOS\ccs64.exe
echo ScriptFile=CCS64_v20b_DOS.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2.DOS\C64.CFG
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CCS64 v2.0b DirectX HardSID]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;PRG;P00;P01;G64;G41;CRT;TAP
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2S.WIN\CCS.EXE
echo ScriptFile=CCS64_v20b_DirectX_Hardsid.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2S.WIN\c64.cfg
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CCS64 v2.0b DOS HardSID]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;PRG;P00;P01;G64;G41;CRT;TAP
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2S.DOS\ccs64.exe
echo ScriptFile=CCS64_v20b_DOS_Hardsid.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64_2S.DOS\c64.cfg
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CCS64 v1.09]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;PRG;P00
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64.DOS\CCSDPMI.EXE
echo ScriptFile=CCS64_v109.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CCS64.DOS\c64.cfg
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [WinVICE v1.16]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;G64;G41;TAP;CRT;P00;PRG;LNX
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\WINVICE.WIN\x64.exe
echo ScriptFile=WinVICE.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\WINVICE.WIN\vice.ini
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 2=
echo [VICE DOS v1.16]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;G64;G41;TAP;CRT;P00;PRG;LNX
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\VICE.DOS\x64.exe
echo ScriptFile=VICE_DOS.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\VICE.DOS\vicerc
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [WinVICE C128 GO64 v1.16]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;G64;G41;TAP;CRT;P00;PRG;LNX
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\WINVICE.WIN\x128.exe
echo ScriptFile=WinVICE_C128_GO64.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\WINVICE.WIN\vice.ini
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [VICE C128 GO64 DOS v1.16]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;G64;G41;TAP;CRT;P00;PRG;LNX
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\VICE.DOS\x128.exe
echo ScriptFile=VICE_C128_GO64_DOS.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [ALEC64 v1.12]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=C64;P00;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\ALEC64.DOS\c64-sp.exe
echo ScriptFile=ALEC64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [C64 v0.0]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=41;000;D64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\C64.DOS\C64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=C64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [C64 Alive v0.0]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=C64;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\C64ALIVE.DOS\C64ALIVE.EXE
echo ScriptFile=C64Alive.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [C64s v2.5D Demo]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=T64;D64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\C64S_DEMO.DOS\C64S.EXE
echo ScriptFile=C64s.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\C64S_DEMO.DOS\CONFIG.INI
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CBM64 v2.7b]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CBM64.DOS\CBM64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=CBM64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CBM64 v2.4b English]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CBM64.DOS\CBM64US.EXE
echo ScriptFile=CBM64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [CBM64 v2.4b French]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CBM64.DOS\CBM64FR.EXE
echo ScriptFile=CBM64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Comeback64 Win32 Beta 4]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=PRG;P00;CRT;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CB64.WIN\CB64W.exe
echo ScriptFile=CB64_Win32.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Comeback64 DOS v0.9z]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=PRG;P00;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\CB64.DOS\CB64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=CB64_DOS.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Emu64 Win9x v2.0b]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;PRG;P00;T64;CRT
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\EMU64.WIN\Emu64.exe
echo ScriptFile=Emu64_Win9x.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Emu64 DOS v1.00b]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\EMU64.DOS\EMU64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=Emu64_DOS.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Free 64 v.01]
echo echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\FREE64.DOS\FREE64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=Free64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Frodo Win32 v4.1.1]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=T64;D64;PRG;LNX
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\FRODO.WIN\frodo.exe
echo ScriptFile=Frodo_Win32.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\FRODO.WIN\frodo.fpr
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Frodo PC Win32 v4.1.1]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=T64;D64;PRG;LNX
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\FRODO.WIN\frodopc.exe
echo ScriptFile=Frodo_Win32.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\FRODO.WIN\frodo.fpr
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Frodo SC Win32 v4.1.1]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=T64;D64;PRG;LNX
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\FRODO.WIN\frodosc.exe
echo ScriptFile=Frodo_Win32.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\FRODO.WIN\frodo.fpr
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Hoxs64 v1.0.2.6]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;TAP;P00;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\HOXS64.WIN\hoxs64.exe
echo ScriptFile=Hoxs64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [no$c64 v1.0 Win32]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=P00;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\NO$C64.WIN\NO$C64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=No$c64_Win32.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\NO$C64.WIN\NO$C64.INI
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [no$c64 v1.0 DOS]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=P00;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\NO$C64.DOS\NO$C64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=No$c64_DOS.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\NO$C64.DOS\NO$C64.CFG
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [PC64Win v2.14]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;C64;P00;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\PC64.WIN\PC64WIN.EXE
echo ScriptFile=PC64_Win32.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\PC64.WIN\T64TOP00.EXE
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [PC64 DOS v1.22]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;C64;P00;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\PC64.DOS\PC64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=PC64_DOS.txt
echo 1=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\PC64.DOS\T64TOP00.EXE
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Sally C64 v0.20]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=64P;PRG;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\SALLYC64.DOS\64.EXE
echo ScriptFile=SallyC64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [VB64 v2.1b]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=PRG;CRT;P00;T64
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\VB64.WIN\vb64.exe
echo ScriptFile=VB64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
echo 1=
echo [Win64 v0.40b]
echo UseShortFilenames=1
echo SupportedTypes=D64;T64;PRG;C64;P00
echo EmulatorPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\WIN64.WIN\Win64.exe
echo ScriptFile=Win64.txt
echo UseDefaultTypes=0
echo WaitFinish=1
) > %~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\emulators.ini
echo [Players]
echo 1=Sidplay
echo 2=
echo [Sidplay]
echo UseShortFilenames=0
echo PlayerPathFile=%~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\Sidplayers\Sidplay2w\Sidplay2w.exe
echo CommandLineParams=%musicfile%
echo SupportedTypes=SID;
) > %~dp0GBCv03\GBCv03\Emulators\MusicPlayers.ini
:: Register the DLLs
regsvr32 /s %~dp0GBCv03\PNGlib.dll
regsvr32 /s %~dp0GBCv03\Gemus.dll
regsvr32 /s %~dp0GBCv03\GBSql.dll
regsvr32 /s %~dp0GBCv03\GBFuncs.dll
regsvr32 /s %~dp0GBCv03\mscomctl32.ocx
regsvr32 /s %~dp0GBCv03\tabctl32.ocx
regsvr32 /s %~dp0GBCv03\comdlg32.ocx
:: Start Gamebase
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Location: NZ
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:26 am

Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:02 am


I had a thought that might help wrt the music thing.

Can you take a copy of your INI files as created by your batch scripts, then go into GB and set up your music players 'normally' so that they work?

Then compare your INI files for differences.

You might also want to do a before and after snapshot of the contents of the following registry key:


that might give some hints...
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx
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Posts: 213
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:19 pm


Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:57 pm

no differences.
And on top of that, on a virginal PC, I get an error 91
Looks like you need to 'at least' install GB frontend *once*, which negates the whole 'standalone without an install required' aspect.

Oh well.
Cool Member
Cool Member
Posts: 213
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:19 pm


Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:10 pm

any updates?
quite disheartened that after all the work that went into the 'standalone ver', I stil have probs.

Keen Member
Keen Member
Posts: 157
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:53 am

Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:01 pm

So, with the new front-end version v.1.2, are you able to achieve portability?

I made some changes to support relative paths in the INI files (if hand-edited) as well as defaulting to the current drive if the original drive letter can not be found.

In theory, you should be able to install to a USB memory stick, and GB64 will run fine after removing/inserting. The DLL registration process should be handled by the front-end as well, but this is the area that received the least testing by me.

Let me know if it actually works for you..
Cool Member
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Posts: 213
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:19 pm


Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:00 am

HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!! ..support for relative pathing from within the ini's.

Also self registration of the dll.s from within the main .exe YAY!
One question tho!
The Dll registration... does it check the registry to see if the files are already registred to another app, and if so - NOT rtry to re-register them?

If it just 'always' registers them, and you remove the external hard disc with GB on it... When you try to run apps that rely on the dll's being registered in a certain place (usually system32, or the programs own folder) you need to re regsrv32.exe the dlls to get the other apps to work again.

This became obvious when I used the .bat file method of making the app 'transportable'. I loaned the GB to a friend, and he politely moaned about hthe fact I managed to break his VB dev environment (for all of 20 seconds tho')

Cool Member
Cool Member
Posts: 213
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:19 pm

windows 7 and security errors.

Mon May 10, 2010 1:14 pm

Based on errors I now have introduced I tried to register the common dll's on my win 7 machine. When I try (I am logged onto a domain, with full local admin permissions) I fail to register the dll's. If I open the same command prompt but 'Run as/ Administrator' I can register them.
Is the new 1.3 GBRegRun.exe missing permissions on win 7?
arthur_gill@hotmaIl.com wrote:regsvr32 GBfuncs.dll
regsvr32 GBSql.dll
regsvr32 Gemus.dll
regsvr32 pnglib.dll

I am talking about moving an existing install between drives physically connected to a PC that at some point had GB installed and getting the front end to run again without a reinstall.

To get the product to run without EVER having been installed I cannot confirm.

I think it would be a great thing to test though...
Hang on, I will give it a go!
I have a pc here.

but you need office installed (I recall if you do not have office installed then tabctl32.ocx throws a wobbler)
You can obtain this as a download, but I will let you all do a google on that.

So, I have proven you do NOT need to INSTALL the frontend, and you can transport your belowev games with you (9mm usb HD's are a wonderful invention).
However, when I use relative pathing (Especially with GB64), and then verify files, some are missing (?) but most are not.
Use absolute pathing and 100% success rate.

It really helps to have access on a windows XP machine to the 'manage' option so you can change the drive letter of the external drive, but if you cannot then you have to change EVERY setting for ALL the gamebase emus configured.

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