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please help. cant get gamebaseAMY working :(

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:37 pm
by dee

been using the wonderfull winuae for ages now and thought it would be nice to have a decent front end to it.

so ive installed gamebase
downloaded gamebaseamy and copied it where it says in the readme.

im stuck at the point it say about rebuilding using clrmamepro. have downloaded this prog but when i try and rebuild i just get a folder with 5 games zipped the rest seem to be ignored.

what now though. AMY doesnt show up when i run gamebase.

cant someone tell me where im going wrong please :?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:02 am
by Runey
Hi Dee,

First question. The rebuilder. This works by looking at the size and CRC (cyclic redundency check) to determine if the image on your hard drive is the same as the one being used by GBA. The most likely reason that you are only getting 5 games back is that are actually different versions of the same game. The only assured way of getting a complete GBA set for now is the obtain a complete TOSEC collection and run that through CMP.

The reason files are selected this way rather than purely on name is to reduce bug reports caused by faulty disk images. There are a lot of buggy or plain broken disk images out there.

I can release a list of which TOSEC files correspond to which GameBaseAMY files if people feel this will be of use.

Um second question. I'm not sure why this has happened. Did it appear at any time then disappear? or did it never show up? I will have to have a play and see if I can recreate the fault somehow so I can find a solution. In the next month I hope to have a new version released which uses an Installer. This will hopefully solve these problems.

I'll get back to you when I find a solution. Any other info you could give will help.