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Review by
Steve Cooke
(The White Wizard)


Welcome to Game of the Week! Each week there will be a new featured game on this page. The game may be good, average or diabolically bad, it really doesn't matter! Just look at the pics, read the text and enjoy the nostalgia! :-) Game of the Week! is open to contributions so if you would like to contribute a game article for this page you're more than welcome to! Every article we receive will be considered!
Supergran - The Adventure
1985 Tynesoft
By Brian Howarth
Most text of the present article comes from the review published in the fourth issue of the British C64 magazine ZZAP!64 (August 1985).

The White Wizard has been unhappy with the lowness of the quality of the adventures this month. There are three very poor and one fair to middling cassette adventure in this months review section. Looking back at my all-time favourite trio, the
Zork series, was the high point of the month but having to review the others made me very annoyed. Where have all the decent cassette adventures gone dear readers? I hope to bring good news to you diskless adventurers next month, but until then you'll just have to make do.

Tynesoft, £9.95 cass

was mildly amused by the title Brian Howarth and Mike Woodruff have given their new Adventure International game. Isn't Super Gran from a childrens' television programme? Once I'd discovered that it was (put out on the ether by those who dwell up near the northern

border), and that the game is also for children, I thought it fitting to place it in the hands of an elf who happens to be staying in my castle so that she might play with it and afterwards apprise me of her opinion on its merits.

After about ten minutes she came looking very annoyed and complained bitterly that it only had three locations. At this tearful outburst I thought I'd better take a hand in its viewing myself and when I tried playing it I found the child was apparently not lying.

However, as an experienced Wizard, it occurred to me, as it might to you dear reader, that surely there must be more to this than met the eye -- something must be behind this small exterior? Not wanting that young female Super Gran to get the better of me, I set to work.

First I took a good look around and found myself on a field. I'm no expert at these minor activities, but I recognised it for a football pitch. As nothing much seemed to be happening, I got rather vicious with a football and some goalposts. This luckily paid off and within a few very frustrating minutes, I was off into the higher part of the adventure. After playing for a bit longer and four locations later, I was back at the start. What am I supposed to do? On trying to get back into the higher part of the adventure I died without much of an explanation!

After a couple more plays I have decided that this is one of the most disappointing of Brian Howarth's releases. The vocabulary is extraordinarily limited indeed, and the responses exceedingly unhelpful. On standing on the football pitch I am told YOU SEE SOME GOALPOSTS. Like most keen adventurers, I am accustomed to divining the meaning behind the most ordinary of objects as well as the odd, so I asked to EXAMINE GOALPOSTS, only to be told I couldn't because THEY AREN'T HERE. This is plainly silly, either they are or they are not here. Still, it's always best to test a hypothesis is some physical manner, and the game evidently agreed in as much as it then allowed me to kick them and collect the crossbar resultingly knocked off by my aggression!

The graphics are not very good at all, and although they might be considered by an adult good enough to convince a little child, my elven friend felt slighted by their inadequacy. Speaking of which, if this is an adventure for children, then I don't think many will get past the first three locations. The puzzles involved are a bit too obscure for your average Wizard, let alone your average youngster, it gave me enough problems!

Atmosphere 41%
Interaction 34%
Lasting Interest 42%

Value for Money




If you want a walkthrough, visit
Jacob Gunness
' Classic Adventures Solution Archive or
Martin Brunner's C64 Adventure Game Solutions Site

Htmlized by Dimitris Kiminas (31 March 2002)

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