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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: Cheerful little pacman clone. As playable and as fun as the orginal, with a bunch of different and varied mazes.

Neo-Rio says: The 64 version of this game is easier to play than the arcade version, and is way more fun. Climb up some physically impossible shaped buildings, put out the fires, and dodge the flames and other weird things falling down on you!

Journey to the Centre of the Earth, A
Neo-Rio says: A playable little platform game, as you try to get your little man down to the center of the Earth. No doubt you'll get a surprise when you get there!

Raid over Moscow
Steve says: Yeah! It is exactly that what the title suggests. Hehe, I loved it. Good old times :-)

Granny's Garden
Neo-Rio says: If you're old enough to remember playing this game on a Commodore 64 at your primary school, then you will have fond memories of this game like I do.

Neo-Rio says: Not a bad little Pole Position clone this one.

J2003C says: This game has the same variety and challenge as the classic arcade game. Too bad the emulator doesn't support the MV Speech Module. A real piece of nostalgia.

Bop'n Rumble
Neo-Rio says: Comic book violence! Beat up old men, old ladies who throw handbags, the odd banana throwing gorilla, basketball players, fat men etc. Your impressive line up of ridiculous fighting moves will give you a good laugh.

graveyardjohn says: Simple yet addictive, Slurply involves sucking up blue dots, and eating cave creatures while trying not to be killed by them. Try it and see!

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