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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: This game is one incredibly polished side-shooter. The game is extremely playable, the title music (classical music!) is great. The loader music was probably one of Hubbard's best tracks.

Neo-Rio says: Nice little puzzle game where you have to get to the exit, dropping tiles on the way. Don't get yourself cornered.

Neo-Rio says: Many people said that the C64 version of this game sucks, as it was a port from the Spectrum. I found this game to be incredibly playable and challenging when I got over how bad it looks.

Go for the Gold!
graveyardjohn says: Slightly different from Summer/World Games, and great fun with a friend. Includes archery, weightlifting, and to be a bit different - diving.

Match Point
Neo-Rio says: Despite its age, this is one of the most playable tennis games on the C64 in my opinion. Many hours spent trying to beat my brother at it.

Hero Quest
Neo-Rio says: Not a bad conversion of the Milton Bradley board game. With a series of quests it becomes more like a simplified RPG - which means it's very easy to get into.

Neo-Rio says: This ninja game looks bad, but is playable for some reason (either that or I find it nostalgic). You have to steal a disk (I think) and then escape in a helicopter.

Zork I - The Great Underground Empire
Steve says: first-ever "interactive-fiction"-product from infocom and the most popular text adventure ever, written in 1981; Infocom essentially invented the wheel to fit the limitations of the day. Flawed by current standards, but still a remarkable achievement. You, the adventurer, stumble on the remains of the Great Underground Empire, and seek out the treasures hidden there.

Di's Baby
Neo-Rio says: As the game comes from "Bad Taste software", you would expect nothing less than a game with a crappy (literally) version of Space Invaders, somehow loosely tied to the royal family. Urgh......

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