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GB64 Recommended Games...

Daley Thompson's Decathlon
graveyardjohn says: Yeah, yeah, you'll break your joystick... but truthfully a Cheetah 125 came a cropper from good old Daley 'revolving body' Thompson. I'd play this 'un on the keyboard if I were you. PC Joysticks are too expensive to break on 'Track And Field' style clones such as this!

graveyardjohn says: Entertaining 'R-Type' a-like, but for two players. Excellent levels are only let down by the wimpy end of level baddies, but a very enjoyable blast nonetheless.

Go-Kart Simulator
Neo-Rio says: A game that owes a lot of its gameplay to the arcade "Rally X", this souped up version is surprisingly playable. It has its flaws, but it's still a fun game - and that's what matters.

Castle Master
Neo-Rio says: Yep, it's polygon 3D time again. This time you're going to have to explore every nook and cranny (and crook and nanny) to find all the keys. Only then can you rescue your partner from the dragon.

Matt Larsen says: This is one of the games I actually BOUGHT that wasn't pirated. Hours upon hours of gameplay and I could never get past the end stage! The different themes and music make this game quite an experience.

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Neo-Rio says: Educational games are rarely this good. Track down Carmen by following geographical clues. This game spawned a franchise of games, and even ended up as a cartoon series too.

Spy School
graveyardjohn says: 4 different games in one, but pay attention 007, and do try and remember where the walls are before they turn invisible!

graveyardjohn says: A very different game where you encourage your own good spores to grow while defeating the evil spores, helped or hindered along the way by tarot cards. Originally cost me a fiver, and was worth every penny.

One on One
Matt Larsen says: Boy this is an oldie... There is nothing better than doing a reverse slam dunk while breaking the backboard glass, all over your friends head. And then you could watch it all again on instant replay!

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