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GB64 Recommended Games...

Pole Position
Neo-Rio says: I liked Pole Position when I was younger. It was a fun racing game I played for hours on end. Look how bad it's dated!

Mugsy's Revenge
Neo-Rio says: I quite liked this "prohibition" styled mobster management game. It's tricky but very playable. There's even a shoot'em up sequence in there which keeps it from being stale.

Army Moves
Neo-Rio says: Once again you have to single handedly take on an entire army in vehicles and on foot. Played in two parts. The music can get irritating after a while though.

Neo-Rio says: Another brilliantly conceived shooter by Rainbow Arts. More power-ups to load your ship with than any other game I've played!

Neo-Rio says: This game is trippy... you are this transforming creature which has to complete a test. Great gameplay, weird creatures, strange 3D, and bizarre SFX make a unique experience.

Slapshot II - International Hockey
Neo-Rio says: Best played with your friends! All the thrills and spills of ice hockey, complete with penalty shootouts, and real in-game speech! What makes this game lots of fun though, is the ability to trip players and start hockey fights while the crowd goes wild! "Penalty! Tripping!"

Bard's Tale , The - Tales of the Unknown
Steve says: Oh yeah, The Bard's Tale. Sleepless nights in Skara Brae. The good old times when a role paying game really was fun. The Bard's Tale definitely is one of the best classic, oldschool RPGs.

Knight Games
Neo-Rio says: Not as good as IK, but still a really fun game when you're playing someone else. There are six fighting events, so there's variety - and two shooting galleries for good measure.

Neo-Rio says: This is like the poor-man's Elite. Not as complicated as that title, but still easier to get into and rewarding when you actually manage to find planets to land on.

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