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GB64 Recommended Games...

Speed King
Neo-Rio says: Classic rear-view cycling game. Going too fast and smashing the bike looked really funny from memory. Getting to the head of the pack of racers takes a lot of skill.

Neo-Rio says: I remember this game more for the nostalgia and the music. Get R1-D1 to the exit, but you'll have to collect all the keys in the correct order.

Highway Encounter
Neo-Rio says: A bunch of robots have to push a rather special bomb to the end of the highway - but unless you clear a path for them, they'll get zapped before they finish their job. Quite a challenge.

graveyardjohn says: Don't be put off by the Speccy-esque graphics, this is a puzzle game without comparison. Get the bombs out of the building using skill, planning, and....robots.

One Man and his Droid
Neo-Rio says: This game has to be one of the most frustrating of all time. You think you've got a sheep and then... it escapes! If you haven't pulled all your hair out by then, you'll really enjoy the Hubbard soundtrack.

Mask of the Sun, The
Steve says: One of the great adventures from the early days of the C64. Great plot, nice parser.

Matt Larsen says: Electronic Arts put out some of the best titles for the C64. Is it any wonder they are still in business 20 years later? This was my favorite simulation game as a kid.

Cosmic Causeway - Trailblazer II
Neo-Rio says: WOW... the speed of this game will blow your socks off. Cosmic Causeway is the sequel to Trailblazer, the latter being a classic in it's own right. This time, our Amiga-ball gets to blast things too!

Neo-Rio says: The Quest for Ultimate Dexerty had you, the player, try and push a ball to the exit. However, this game is no marble madness. It has puzzle and action elements, and you will be sorely tested.

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