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GB64 Recommended Games...

Java Jim in Square Shaped Trouble
Neo-Rio says: Java Jim looks like it was made by someone who did too much acid. That doesn't stop it being a weird, but fun game. You have to dig up artifcats (all of the same type) and sell them to buy ship pieces.

Burnin' Rubber
Neo-Rio says: A clone of the well known arcade game... but a very playable one that keeps you very entertained

Nemesis the Warlock
Neo-Rio says: Interesting game this one. You slash and shoot aliens until the bodies pile up, then climb up to the top of the screen on a pile of their carcasses! The sword slashing action is fun though.

Pole Position
Neo-Rio says: I liked Pole Position when I was younger. It was a fun racing game I played for hours on end. Look how bad it's dated!

Gordian Tomb
Neo-Rio says: With a little persistance, this game is not *too* hard to finish, but it is still a lot of fun. Most breathtaking though, is the 32-minute soundtrack!

Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom
Steve says: True RPGs are nowadays seldomly seen. Sad. But why don't you launch your C=64 or emulator and give this one a try. As all of the wizardry RPGs, this one is a great classic game with a strong plot and a very challenging engine. Enter the kingdom of Llylgamyn! To bad part VI (Bane of the cosmic forge) has never been released on the C=64

Neo-Rio says: This game is trippy... you are this transforming creature which has to complete a test. Great gameplay, weird creatures, strange 3D, and bizarre SFX make a unique experience.

Pipe Mania
Neo-Rio says: Tantalizingly easy concept. Just lay your pipes down to make a longer one, but hurry before the pipe starts flowing! Player beware, this game induces as much addiction and panic as Tetris does.

Street Sports Basketball
J2003C says: The fighting and no-rules style of play are really fun and funny. AI is easy to beat, so 2P is always more challenging. Too bad you can't play this physical in real life!

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