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GB64 Recommended Games...

Forbidden Forest
graveyardjohn says: Resident Evil? Pah! Here's where it started...

Neo-Rio says: This is not the best game ever, but it's really playable. Collect powerups, destroy large ships and save the galaxy.

Neo-Rio says: Not a widely known game, but one that is loads of fun anyway. You have to blast your way around an area full of defenses and get to the exit.

Michael Plate says: Addicting two player arcade board game. A real classic!

Batman - The Movie
Neo-Rio says: Kerpow! Thwock! This Batman game is very playable, and a little tricky at first, but not when you know what to do. The music is also very good. You'll play this one for a while.

Neo-Rio says: Although largely a disappointment on the C64 (thanks to the Spectrum look and feel), the game is still somewhat fun. It's like Gauntlet in 3D, and once you get used to the controls - you may have a blast.

Aliants - The Desperate Battle for Earth
Matt Larsen says: My mum had bought this game for me on my birthday for a couple bucks. I think it is the best game Keypunch ever put out in my opinion. The different themes make it fun, especially for budget software...

4x4 Off-Road Racing
J2003C says: This is a very good racing game. It takes racing skills and some strategy and planning with the supplies to be able to finish in first place.

Lode Runner
Neo-Rio says: A classic platform game in every respect. If you haven't played it, you've been living under a rock. There's a level editor in there too, so you won't get bored easily when there's all those levels of treasure to collect.

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