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GB64 Recommended Games...

$100,000 Pyramid, The
J2003C says: This is a pretty lame game that only has appeal on TV because of the celebrities that play. There are no celbrities here, so there is little appeal. If you love fast word association games, then you might like this one... maybe!

One on One
Matt Larsen says: Boy this is an oldie... There is nothing better than doing a reverse slam dunk while breaking the backboard glass, all over your friends head. And then you could watch it all again on instant replay!

Neo-Rio says: If you liked the arcade game Joust, here's more of the same but with a bit of a twist!

Neo-Rio says: Another side-scrolling shooter game with class. This game is REALLY HARD, but for some reason I got addicted to it, despite dying over and over again.

Mercenary - Escape from Targ
Mayhem says: A game where you can go anywhere and do almost anything. Stuck on Targ with no idea how to get off, it's time to explore, sell and figure out how to leave. And a game to show that yes the C64 can do fast moving vectors!

Professional Ski Simulator
graveyardjohn says: Not really a very good game, but for some reason, quite addictive! Hammer the fire button to move your skier and get through the gates before the time runs out.

Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar
Steve says: a true classic role-playing game. The C=64 version is the best version of that game available. I still remember spending night after night on my quest through Britannia.

graveyardjohn says: OK, its an 'IK+' rip-off, but it plays quite well. The between-round game where you throw knives in 3D at oncoming ninjas is very addictive, and keeps you coming back for more.

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

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