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GB64 Recommended Games...

Deathwish III
Neo-Rio says: In this dull yet violent game, you get to blast people into carnage with a rocket launcher! There was a furore over it at the time, although long outclassed by more modern and graphically realistic violent games which nobody bats an eyelid at today.

Neo-Rio says: Uridum is yet another side-scrolling classic shoot-em-up, the graphics are smart, and the game balances the frustration:addiction ratio just nicely so that you will keep playing into the night.

Wonderboy in Monsterland
Neo-Rio says: This conversion maintains everything that made the original arcade game fun. It's a platform roleplaying game of the highest order. Lots of varied enemies to fight, and lots of gold and goodies to get!

Neo-Rio says: Codemasters released many of these overhead racing games, but this is surely one of the best. This one screams at you to play it over and over.

Neo-Rio says: This brilliant little game came on a Zzap64 covermounted cassette. The game is pretty and fairly playable, but most amazing is the mind blowing music score.

Computer League
Neo-Rio says: Build and sell your own 80's microcomputer, as if it was the 80s! Want to market a 16KB machine with a cassette drive? How about a C64 clone? Keep in mind that when getting a floppy drive for your machine, you'll be charged at 80's prices!

Fantasy World Dizzy
Neo-Rio says: In the words of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw - this is the best game ever made. Considering he reviews games by ripping them to pieces, you'll know that this game is something special.

Neo-Rio says: In Zodiac, you must search the maze for all the zodiacs. When you find them, you'll be warped to the mystical Cubic Gate where you'll have to stick them all in while dodging the nasties.

Hocus Focus
Neo-Rio says: A punk haired reporter has to sneak into the mad professor's lair and take photos of bits his latest invention - just mind the weird ghosts, and don't forget the keys to the fans. Enjoy Whittaker's "Lazy Jones"-esque music too.

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