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GB64 Recommended Games...

Captain Blood
Neo-Rio says: This space adventure game has this feature where you can talk to characters about things using a symbolic language.

Neo-Rio says: Thrust is much like the old Atari game Gravitar, except this is way more playable and challenging. I always liked blowing the nuke reactor up before leaving the planet.

ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter
Neo-Rio says: An arcade styled tactical fighter jet game. While it's fun to find and lock on to targets and blast them, you have to remember you're fighting a war, and to pick places strategic to win.

Forbidden Forest
Steve says: Chilling and thrilling with a marvellous soundtrack by Paul Norman! Wander through a dark forest and battle with giant spiders, ghouls and other horrible creatures. Nice spatter FX :-)

Samantha Fox Strip Poker
Neo-Rio says: Before the internet gave us pornography on demand, teenage boys stole pornos from newsagents and played "Strip Poker" video games, complete with badly digitised pictures. Curious teenagers have it too good these days.

Neo-Rio says: This is a totally original game concept. More like a mix of asteroids and billiards, and suprisingly playable. Try and smash same coloured balls together with your ship!

Neo-Rio says: Very playable blaster this one... I used to keep running out of energy, but I did manage to complete all 5 levels. And DAMN, dodging those missiles is hard!

Deathwish III
Neo-Rio says: In this dull yet violent game, you get to blast people into carnage with a rocket launcher! There was a furore over it at the time, although long outclassed by more modern and graphically realistic violent games which nobody bats an eyelid at today.

Kikstart II - The Construction Set
graveyardjohn says: Q: How much fun can you have with this?!! A: A lot! Re-enact those lost summer holiday mornings where unfortunate 12 year olds fell off their motorbikes and incurred time penalties. Dougie Lampkin not included.

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