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GB64 Recommended Games...

Rocky Horror Show, The
Neo-Rio says: Let's do the time warp again.... This game is as weird as the original musical. If you're not stripped naked in-game, you'll be blasted, hit by the motorcycle, or run out of time.

Young Ones, The
Neo-Rio says: Anyone old enough to remember the TV series will laugh some more with this game. The aim is to play as one of the young ones and move out of the house with all your stuff... that's if the others don't screw things up for you first!

Neo-Rio says: C64 rip-off of the old Atari game... playable but fondly remembered for the Michael Jackson "Billy Jean" SID music cover!

Master of Magic, The
Neo-Rio says: A simple RPG game, which slowly becomes an addiction as you try to get the amulet to return to your own world. Complete with a Rob Hubbard soundtrack.

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Suicide Express
Neo-Rio says: Fondly remembered for it's Bladerunner-esque music and the sythesized voice which tells you your score when you die. I don't understand why the author made many clones of it, the game is a bit average.

Mayhem in Monsterland
Mayhem says: Flashy, fast, slick... and highly playable. The pinnacle of console-like gaming on the C64.

Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Neo-Rio says: This game is based of an 80s band! As a result it's weird and spun out, but incredibly absorbing. "BANG! Frankie say...... no more."

Neo-Rio says: This has to be my favourite "worm" game. Fond memories of playing it in my youth....

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