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GB64 Recommended Games...

Mayhem says: Once you get over the initial control foibles (which sadly put quite a few people off), there's a whole new world out there just waiting to be coloured up. Cunning, ruthless and fun, if a bit easy. Gameplay ideas were second to none however.

Bobby Bearing
Neo-Rio says: A classic on the Spectrum, the C64 version is not very different. An addition of a jolly music score will inspire you to find all the bearings across a "Marble Madness" inspired world.

Falcon Patrol
Neo-Rio says: An obvious 'Defender' ripoff, but a playable classic anyway. You're holding off waves of fighter planes from bombing your fuel bases. Tail up behind the planes and blast them!

graveyardjohn says: The official Gauntlet clone was alledgedly very bug-ridden, though the version I had on cassette didn't seem to pose any problems to us. Unless of course my brother and I were very poor at it and couldn't get far enough for it to crash! Not a bad conversion, all things considered.

Trolls and Tribulations
Matt Larsen says: Not many people ever talk about this gem. Fantastic music ballads. It had me hooked as a kid. To this day I don't think I have ever found a trained version.

Suicide Strike
Neo-Rio says: Playable shooter game in the spirit of Zaxxon. Not as easy as it seems, but you'll be hooked I guarantee.

Neo-Rio says: As a tyrant in control of a poor country, you will eventually lose this game unless you change to a democracy, destroy the other countries, put hundreds into the secret police, and spend lots of money brainwashing people before elections. Just like real life!

Rags to Riches
Neo-Rio says: Here's an original game. Escape from poverty and starvation. Get an education, get part time jobs, get an apartment. Make all the right moves and you'll be earning millions! Just watch out for theives and the IRS! (same thing really!)

Bop'n Rumble
Neo-Rio says: Comic book violence! Beat up old men, old ladies who throw handbags, the odd banana throwing gorilla, basketball players, fat men etc. Your impressive line up of ridiculous fighting moves will give you a good laugh.

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